• September 20, 2024 4:31 am

Writ filed to take action against suspended Gazipur mayor Jahangir

Published February 15, 2023
Writ filed to take action against suspended Gazipur mayor Jahangir

Staff Correspondent:
A writ petition has been filed in the High Court on Tuesday to take action against Jahangir Alam, the suspended mayor of Gazipur City Corporation.
Advocate Ekramul Haque Tutul filed a writ on behalf of a local resident of Gazipur, Rahim Sarker.
The first defendant in the writ is the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), followed by the secretary and joint secretary of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives, and Bangladesh Bank and others.
Rahim Sarkar said the petition was accompanied by several media reports published in 2022-2023 against the ex-mayor.
The reports include complaints pertaining to non-compliance with government regulations and rules regarding garbage removal bills, misappropriating public funds allocated for road widening and sand filling without finishing the project, and more.
The petition asked the first four defendants to explain why they failed to take action against Mayor Jahangir Alam.
In September 2021, videos of Jahangir making derogatory comments on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the martyred freedom fighters of the Liberation War at a program went viral on social media.
In a meeting held on November 19 of that year, the ruling Awami League expelled Alam from his position in the party over the incident, which was followed by his suspension as GCC mayor by the local government ministry a few days later over various allegations.
The allegations included illegal land grabbing, not compensating people after taking over land for development and working against the public interest.

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