• September 20, 2024 9:02 pm

Trump sees Biden willing to stop all aid to Israel soon

Published May 11, 2024
Trump sees Biden willing to stop all aid to Israel soon

 Former US President Donald Trump believesthat the incumbent US leader, Joe Biden, will soon stop providing Israel withany aid.”Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel,” Trump wrote on his pageon Truth Social on Friday. Earlier, he said that the Democratic Party, ofwhich Biden is a member, actually hates Israel.US President Joe Biden said in an interview with CNN on May 8 that Washingtonwill stop providing some weapons to Israel if its forces enter Rafah. Lateron Wednesday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explained that the US wasreviewing some short-term military aid to Israel over the situation aroundthe Gaza city.On May 5, Axios reported, citing two Israeli officials, that the USadministration had put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel for thefirst time since October 7, 2023.On May 7, Politico quoted people familiar with the deliberations as sayingthat the United States was holding shipments of precision bombs to send apolitical message to Israel.


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