• September 20, 2024 10:29 am

CCPIT, BGMEA discuss collaboration to promote Bangladesh RMG industry

Published March 8, 2024
CCPIT, BGMEA discuss collaboration to promote  Bangladesh RMG industry

Staff correspondent :

A delegation from the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), led by Vice President and Secretary General Zhang Tao, today met Faruque Hassan, President of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) at its complex in the city.

The delegation included Wu Zhizhen, Deputy Director, and Jiao Jiao, Assistant Director from the Sub Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT, said a press release.

Leo Zhuang, Managing Director of Liz Fashion, also attended the meeting held at the BGMEA Complex.

The discussions revolved around potential collaboration to promote the apparel industry of Bangladesh on the global stage, particularly through the organization of international exhibitions.

The meeting also focused on working together to showcase strengths of Bangladesh’s RMG industry, especially enhanced capabilities in manufacturing more complex and high-end fashion products.

They also had discussions about the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT role in facilitating investment in the non-cotton textile sector in Bangladesh as the country’s apparel sector is increasingly diversifying to higher-value garments, especially those made using man-made fibres.

BGMEA President Faruque Hassan provided insights into the impressive transformation of Bangladeshi garment factories, highlighting advancements in safety, dynamism, modernization, energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness.

Bangladesh boasts the world’s highest number of green garment factories.

Faruque Hassan expressed optimism regarding the collaboration between BGMEA and the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT, in showcasing the industry’s evolving capabilities to the global audience.

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