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Saving Bangladesh from a Possible Civil War!

Published October 15, 2024
Saving Bangladesh from a Possible Civil War!

Dr. Mohammad Ali Bhuiyan

With the emergence of mdependent Bangladesh im December 1971, we all hoped for a better and brighter future Unfortunately, corruption, greed, power grabbing, and infighting within political parties and the military have shattered that hope, turning it into a distant illusion Significant damage was done by the Hasina government over the last fifteen years. The country felt relieved and independent again after she fled on August 5th, following the uprising of the people of Bangladesh, which began with the student movement. The people of Bangladesh expected real. positive change. However, things are not going as well as expected.
Dees Bangladesh have the potential to become a great country? The answer is undemably a resounding “YES” Does Bangladesh still possess the potential to be a great country? Once again, the answer is a definite “YES” To achieve this, the country requires honest and capable leaderstup committed to fairness, honesty, and transparency in all endeavors. The country needs a leader with the necessary background, qualifications, and the ability to connect with people at all levels, make tough decisions quickly, and accomplish tasks. This leader should have practical experience in understanding Bangladeshi socio-economic-political conditions on an ongoing basis. Finding a leader who possesses exceptional people skills, as well as a high-level understanding and practical experience in economic, political, social, cultural, educational, diplomatic, business, entrepreneurial, healthcare, energy, technology, and international business matters, is crucial in today’s complex technological world. The understanding and utilization of technology are as critical as providing leadership and managing people.
Having visited over sixty countries on six continents and interacted with people from various walks of life, ranging from taxi drivers to heads of state, I must say that Singapore impressed me the most Singapore was once a small and impoverished island nation. In less than 30 years, it transformed into a world-class economy while taking care of all its people. Today, it is one of the richest and most accomplished countries in the world in almost every category. Can Bangladesh be better, or at least as good, as Singapore? Once again, the answer is a resounding “YES”
To achieve this, the country needs an honest and qualified leader who possesses the physical stamina to work sixteen hours a day, every day, and has the ability to travel to all parts of Bangladesh and the world This leader must be fair and transparent, unafraid to make tough decisions promptly while considering input from stakeholders
In recent months, before August 5th, Bangladesh had been embroiled in famihar discussions, speculations, conspiracies, and unwanted interferences by foreign powers. Both domestic and foreign forces were actively involved in shaping the country’s political landscape Among the major players were the USA, India, China, and Pakistan, with the support of CIA, RAW, MSS, and ISI respectively. At the same time, the student movement was also in action. The so-called elected government in power decided to crack down on the student protesters and brutally killed hundreds of brave students and others On August 5th. Hasina fled the country, and a new interim government led by Prof. Yunus took power.
Professor Yunus is respected around the world as a Nobel Peace Laureate. I have known him for many years, and at his request, I helped him reach out to hundreds of American universities over many years. I also helped him sell over 20,000 copies of his social business book in a very short ume, making it a New York Times Best Seller I also helped Professor Yunus with his problems with Bangladesh Government in 2012 by bringing many political leaders to lus Grameen Office and using their influence
Professor Yunus enjoys giving lectures on his social business around the world, and his experience is limited to NGOs. That is his comfort zone, and we see that reflected in his selection of advisors Professor Yunus is 84 years old, and his close friends are also in that age group. That is also reflected in his selection of advisors and others. Professor Yunus, since he received his Nobel Prize in 2006, had spent most of his time travelling around the world.
I am sure, as the Chief Advisor, Prof Yunus wants to do good. However, the political parties are becoming frustrated with the uncertainty Social media charmels and personalities that once fully supported the interim government are now turning against it. Price control measures are not able to reduce the prices of essential goods. Corrupt and fascist forces are still entrenched in many positions and are actively trying to create problems. Of course, all foreign forces are still trying to exert their influences. Relationship with India is at a dangerous level. If something is not done quickly, the country could head toward a civil war, and many lives could be lost unnecessarily
My recommendation is that Professor Yunus takes over the presidency from Mr. Shahabuddin Chuppu and focus on international matters and his social business ideas as president of Bangladesh. He then needs a very strong, honest, and capable person to take over the Chief Advisor role and assist Dr. Yunus in realizing the dreamland Bangladesh. The new person must have proven tremendous convening power at home and abroad.
The author Dr. Mohammad Ali Bhuiyan is a Bangladeshi American economist, academic administrator, globally recognized expert in economic and entrepreneurial leadership. entrepreneur, CEO of a National Entrepreneurship and Innovation program, CEO of a Global Health Summit, advisor to many corporate CEOs and government leaders, former United States Congressional Candidate, advisor to Technology Startups, and a sought-after speaker on global Issues.

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