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Foreign Minister writes to UN, seeks collaborative role

Published December 8, 2023
Foreign Minister writes to UN, seeks collaborative role

Desk Report: Bangladesh has communicated to the United Nations that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is “determined to hold a free and fair election” but will not tolerate the burning of public and private properties and the loss of human lives in the name of demonstrations that the opposition frequently perpetrates.

“We also expect UN officials to maintain the highest standards of non-partisanship, integrity, and objectivity to uphold UN credibility and respect,” Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen wrote in a letter sent to Earle Courtenay Rattray, head of the office of the UN Secretary-General.

If their reports are based on falsity and lack objectivity, and if they are not fact-based, Momen wrote, they may lose their credibility, which would be a bad omen for the UN system.

“In the context of undue, unwarranted, and vested political pressure that we are facing from different corners ahead of our upcoming national parliamentary election, we hope that the United Nations system, including its Secretariat, agencies, and country office, would play a constructive and collaborative role to assist Bangladesh in remaining persistent in its development trajectory,” the foreign minister wrote in his letter.

The letter was written on November 19, and the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN sent it to the UN on November 20.

Momen wrote that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is a “crusader for democracy” and that she endured much pain to guarantee the right to vote, the right to food, and the right to a decent life, as per the letter seen by UNB.

During her 15-year tenure, the foreign minister said, Sheikh Hasina conducted thousands of elections — by-elections, national elections, regional elections, mayoral elections — and except for a microscopic few, all were free and fair.

The foreign minister mentioned that Bangladesh is a firm believer in the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of its citizens and beyond. He remains optimistic that the United Nations system would continue to act as a trusted partner in Bangladesh’s efforts to ensure a peaceful, just, inclusive, and prosperous future for all at national, regional, and international levels.

He said Bangladesh is a leader in upholding democracy, human rights, justice, and human dignity. “It is the only country in the world that shed 3 million lives to establish democracy, human rights, and justice.

Momen said they maintain their position as a strong voice in favour of the maintenance of international peace and security through peaceful means.

“Bangladesh, a proactive and supportive member state, also has high expectations that the United Nations system would continue its cooperation and assistance in our national journey towards political progress and socio-economic emancipation of our people,” the foreign minister wrote in the letter.

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