• September 20, 2024 2:10 am

Spring’s Symphony-Samiha Mubasshira

Published January 30, 2024
Spring’s Symphony-Samiha Mubasshira

Sweet breeze brings spring onward,

Rosy rays of heaven light up the world,
The branches bejewel with new leaves,
And new buds, burst colors to sleeves.

The fields dress up in ivory gown,
And golden waves glitter like a crown,
Hornets all craze up with mango buds’ scent,
The cuckoo sings, spring’s arrival it meant.

And the river’s heart in ripples shimmers,
Birds fill up the blue canvas just as stars,
Flute’s melody wakes village to embrace,
Children play, their laughter fill the place.

The joy of spring declares the nature’s reborn,
Mankind too, thus welcomes a new life on,
Placed In the lap of nature, find solace,
Let the spring be eternal, filled with grace.

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