• September 20, 2024 4:08 am

The demand of the service recipients to extend the term of Kazi Wasi Uddin

Published March 5, 2023
The demand of the service recipients to extend the term of Kazi Wasi Uddin

Desk Report: Kazi Washi Uddin, a very honest and talented officer of the administration cadre, became the secretary during his tenure of less than 6 months as the secretary of the Ministry of Housing and Public Works.
As he is 59 years old next March 08, he is supposed to retire naturally.
Ever since he joined the Ministry of Housing and Public Works, there has been a revolutionary change in the Ministry. In order to implement the zero tolerance policy against corruption announced by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, she has taken legal action against the corrupt officials and employees of various departments under the Ministry of Housing and Public Works, which has made the image of the Ministry positive among the general public.

Before he joined, the said ministry was an arena of corruption, said the service receivers. Many service users said that since Kazi Washi Uddin joined as secretary, they are no longer harassed.
After visiting the Ministry of Housing and Public Works, this reporter found out that since Kazi Washi Uddin joined as Secretary, there has been a radical change in the work of this Ministry.
Prior to his joining, no departmental file or any application/letter from the public would have been put up unless the secretary had given verbal instructions to the officer of the concerned branch. As a result of which, government and public works were created in a long way.
And one party looted financial benefits from the service users in the name of putting up through the file secretary.
He has arranged for direct file foot up to stop the long process and corruption.

Civil society and parents have long demanded that Ramana Park be closed during school hours. So that students can’t hang out in the park during school hours.
He implemented it.
The honest officers and employees of the Ministry of Housing and Public Works want the tenure of Kazi Washi Uddin to be extended. According to them, if the person who has been able to uproot the root of corruption in just 6 months, if he is extended for another two years, then he will be able to completely uproot the root of corruption in the ministry.
Many of the people who received service directly from Kazi Washi Uddin requested the Prime Minister to extend his tenure. Many are hoping that the tenure of the Secretary of the Ministry of Housing and Public Works Washi Uddin will increase.

Many are hoping that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will keep Kazi Wasiuddin as the secretary of the Ministry for a few more years to make the Ministry of Housing and Public Works free from corruption.

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