ET Desk: The recent attacks on Murshidpur Darbar Sharif, located in Kusumhati Laxmanpur village of Sherpur district, have caused severe unrest in the area recently. The attacks and vandalism have left locals in fear and distress. Locals told the English Times, on November 26 and 28, a group of madrasha students, teachers, and some residents launched attacks on the Darbar Sharif, looting valuable items, animals, and plants, and setting parts of the establishment on fire. As a result, nearly all of the Darbar Sharif’s historic buildings, including the Masjid, were destroyed.
Abdul Razzak, a local businessman, said, “Our Darbar was known for its natural beauty, and it had won national awards for tree plantation twice. However, after the attack, all the trees were cut down, and valuable items were looted. Now, the locals are living in fear.”
The peaceful atmosphere of the area has been completely destroyed after the attacks. Local residents are urging the authorities to restore peace and security. Haji Mohammad Muktadur Rahman, another businessman, said, “We do not want any violence. All we ask for is a peaceful environment so that we can carry out our daily activities.”
Several other residents expressed concern about the attacks but emphasized that they did not want any form of retaliation or violence. They have only requested the reopening of the Darbar Sharif.
The followers of Mursidpur Darbar Sharif have expressed their faith in their religious beliefs and stated that everything in the Darbar was conducted according to Islamic principles. They deny the allegations of any heretical or non-Islamic activities and assert that they worshiped peacefully.
The police have stated that forces have been sent to the location and are attempting to control the situation. However, tensions remain high among the local population, and authorities must remain vigilant.
Furthermore, multiple sources reveal that Murshidpur Darbar Sharif has been considered a place of heritage for many, and it had long been regarded as a sacred site. However, the recent attacks have made it a controversial matter, with differing views from various parties, resulting in a law-and-order situation.
In this context, local residents have called for the immediate restoration of peace and security. They have appealed to the authorities for a peaceful resolution to ensure that the area returns to calm and the activities of Darbar Sharif can resume.
Following the incident, residents of the area have demanded that the Sherpur district administration and police take swift action to establish peace.
According to police, written complaints, and Darbar Sharif authorities, since the political changes on August 5, some teachers and residents from a local madrassa had been threatening to close the activities of Murshidpur Darbar Sharif. They alleged that un-Islamic activities were being conducted at the Darbar. On the morning in 26 November of the attack, madrasha teacher Mohammad Tariqul Islam along with 400-500 people stormed Murshidpur Darbar Sharif, breaking its tin-fence and carrying out the attack, vandalism, and looting. When the staff and other devotees of the Darbar attempted to resist, clashes broke out, resulting in at least 13 people being injured. The army, police, and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrived at the scene to control the situation.
The injured were taken to Sherpur district hospital. One of the injured, Hafiz Uddin, who was opposed to the Darbar, was later transferred to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where he passed away on November 27. Since then, anger has spread across the district.
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