• September 20, 2024 7:29 am

Biopharma DMD Dr. Lokiot Ullah accused of occupying the house and business establishment in London

Published June 20, 2023
Biopharma DMD Dr. Lokiot Ullah accused of occupying the house and business establishment in London

Dhaka: Regarding the matter expatriate Jahan Kabir Shipon’s mother Monowara Begum made a written complaint in a press conference at the Jatiya Press Club’s Zahur Hossain Chowdhury hall on Monday morning. She said, ‘Biopharma Limited’s Deputy Managing Director Dr. Dr.”Lokiot Ullah and his wife have already taken over my son’s house and business in London.” She also said in the complaint, ‘Dr. Lokiot Ullah harrassed my son’s family in Bangladesh and threatened one after another. At a point my son was forced to leave home country. She complained to the administration that Lokiot Ullah is now harassing my family members with numerous illegal cases anonymously and threatened to kill them on the way by his gangsters. Manwara also said, ‘My son Shipan went to London in 2008 to pursue higher education. After completing his studies, he settled there involving in business. By working hard, Shipon established a good position in business in London. Later he got married in the country and took his wife to London. In the last 15 years, my son has sent several crores of remittances from London to Bangladesh. All in all, my family of 11 children with sons, daughters and grandchildren was full of joy and happiness. She said, ‘During the corona epidemic in 2020, a student of my husband’s former acquaintance, Dr. Lokiot Ullah increases our contact with family. After a few days Dr. Lakiyat Ullah went to London with his wife and children for his business. He went there for 8/10 consecutive days in Shipon’s house. After that, he came to the country and keeps in touch with our family constantly. Shipon’s mother also said, “Dr. Lokiot Ullah went to London again in April 2022 after 2 years with Lakiyat Ullah and his wife and children. Actually we knew that Lokiot Ullah’s wife had gone to London for treatment as she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This time too, Lakiyat Ullah and his family went to my son’s house. Since going to treatment, so my son also supervised all aspects of the treatment of Lakiyat Ullah’s wife . My son bore all the medical expenses and all the expenses of their food. Lakiyat Ullah enrolled his children in a local school in London using my son’s home address. Even Lakiyat Ullah without my son’s permission he showed my son as a guarantor, he demanded an asylum claim or political asylum for his wife from the British government. Lakiyat Ullah claims himself as a Jamaat leader to the London government and mentions that his wife and children’s life is in danger in Bangladesh. At the press conference, Monowara seeking help from the Prime Minister and said, “The Prime Minister will surely understand the cry of an abused mother like me.” I want surviving from Lakiyat Ullah’s oppression. I want to live happily with two children without a husband. I want that arrangement so that my child who is staying in London can travel around the country safely.

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