• September 20, 2024 7:44 am

Justice for Nadim – M. H. Rashid

Published June 22, 2023
Justice for Nadim – M. H. Rashid

In the pursuit of truth, a journalist’s path,

Golam Rabbani Nadim, a life met with wrath.
His voice silenced, his words no longer heard,
But we stand united, for justice is our word.

Protests and rallies echo throughout the land,
Demanding punishment, taking a stand.
A sweet rhyme for Nadim, justice we seek,
His memory cherished, his story we speak.

Oh, let the truth shine bright, like a guiding light,
May the culprits face justice, with all their might.
For freedom of the press, we raise our voice high,
In the name of Nadim, we won’t let truth die.

Let the pens be mighty, the cameras reveal,
The power of journalism, their purpose we feel.
We’ll march hand in hand, united we’ll stand,
For justice for Nadim, across this great land.

His family’s pain, our hearts do share,
In their grief, we stand together, we care.
With each protest, each statement we make,
We demand accountability, for Nadim’s sake.

May his sacrifice ignite a change so true,
In a world where journalists shine through.
For every truth seeker, every brave soul,
Justice for Nadim, our ultimate goal.

So let’s raise our voices, let the rhymes flow,
In the name of justice, let compassion show.
For Golam Rabbani Nadim, we’ll never forget,
Until justice is served, our demands will be met.

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