• September 20, 2024 4:07 am

JCI Dhaka Young in support of construction of madrasah for the visually impaired orphans

Published April 29, 2023
JCI Dhaka Young in support of construction of madrasah for the visually impaired orphans

Desk Report: JCI Dhaka Young recently organized “Prottasha 3.0,” a charitable event aimed at providing aid to the visually impaired orphans of Madinatul Uloom Visually Impaired Orphanage and Madrasah in Konabari. The event was a success, with JCI Dhaka Young providing daily necessities and gifts to nearly one hundred orphans, as well as a generous donation towards the construction and development of a modern madrasah designed to meet the unique needs of visually impaired orphans.

Under the able leadership and guidance of JCI Dhaka Young’s 2023 Local President, Rabeya Nasir Ovi, and with the coordination of Executive Vice President Samia Rahman, the event proved to be a shining example of compassion and hope. Speaking about the initiative, Local President Ovi stated, “Prottasha 3.0 brings light into the lives of visually impaired orphans. It is a project that embodies hope and compassion, and JCI Dhaka Young is dedicated to building a madrasah with modern facilities that meet the needs of these children. We are determined to make this a reality, and we seek everyone’s prayers and cooperation to ensure its success on a large scale.”

JCI is an organization of dynamic young individuals between the ages of 18 and 40, who are committed to social development. With headquarters located in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, JCI boasts more than five thousand members actively working towards this goal in Bangladesh.

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