• September 20, 2024 7:35 am

RUSC formed 10th executive committee at RU

Published January 18, 2024
RUSC formed 10th executive committee at RU

RU Representative: Rajshahi University Science Club constituted a new executive committee president has been nominated Masud and secretary has been nominated Sheikh Soikot on today, 17 January in terms of Press release.

After the 9th anniversary celebration program, prof. Tarikul Islam announced the 8 members committee at Dr. Wazed mia academic building gallery room at Rajshahi University.

Other members of the committee are Vice-president Sayem Alom and Md. Hasan Hawladar, Joint Secretary Umma Tahera and Tamim Rahman, Treasurer Md. Golam Rabbi, Organizing secretary Tufail Ahmed Tufa

In awddition, Rajshahi University Science Club is a active student organisation of Rajshahi University Since 2015.

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