• September 20, 2024 2:08 am

Innovative exhibition held at Nstu

Published July 15, 2024
Innovative exhibition held at Nstu

Jerin Ferdous, Nstu Correspondent:

Noakhali Science and Technology University (Nstu) held its first ever ‘Innovation Showcase’.

The Innovation Exhibition was organized by the University’s Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Annual Performance Agreement (APA) Innovation Team as part of the implementation of the e-Governance and Innovation Action Plan 2023-2024 on Wednesday (May 08). University Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Md. Didar-ul-Alam was present as the chief guest and inaugurated it and visited the exhibitions.

In the exhibition, various teams of university teachers-students and officials showcased 23 innovative project plans. There were 9 projects for students, 9 projects for teachers and 5 projects for officials. Assistant Professor of Nstu Institute of Information Technology was the overall best in Bill Management Software Development in the competition. Iftekhar Alam Ifat and his team. After that, the Chairman of the Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering was the first to innovate DNA barcoding for animals, plants and microbes in the teacher category. Mohammad Mofizul Islam and his team. Cyber ​​Center Programmer Ronak Bhowmik and his team were the first among officials to innovate an automated ID card management system. Akash Chandra Debnath, a student of the University’s software engineering department, and his team won the honor of being the first to invent a smart employee management system among students in the competition.

At the end of the exhibition, the Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. distributed prizes and certificates among the winning teams. Md. Didar-ul-Alam. Honorable Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. in a short speech. Md. Didar-ul-Alam said, in this era of building smart Bangladesh, new innovation in information technology is getting priority. From technology to people’s thinking, education-research patterns are constantly becoming more modern and advanced. Today’s first-ever Innovation Showcase event at nstu broadened our horizons. Honorable Prime Minister Deshratna Sheikh Hasina is working to build Bangladesh as a developed nation by 2041. In this regard, the young generation should come forward with innovative ideas.

The Dean of Science Faculty was present at the event. Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuya, Professor of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering Department. Asadun Nabi, Associate Professor of Information and Communication Engineering Department. Mohammad Amjad Hossain, Registrar Mohammad Jasim Uddin, Deputy Registrar Dr. Muhammad Alamgir Sarkar, Focal Point of Innovation Team Deputy Registrar Abu Zubair along with other members of APA and Innovation Team. The event was presided over by the convenor of the innovation team, Professor Dr. Feroze Ahmed.

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