• September 20, 2024 1:44 am

Published July 15, 2024

Jerin Ferdous, Nstu correspondent:

A day-long ‘Basic Training in Journalism’ workshop was organized by the Noakhali Science and Technology University Journalists Association (NSTUJA).

On Tuesday (May 21), more than half a hundred students from various departments of the university participated in the video conference room of the academic building-2 of the university. Online head of Daily Sun imparted training to the students in this event
Maudud Ahmed Sujan, First Light Staff Reporter
Faizullah Wasif and Event Writer and Information Professional Saif Sujan.

Under the chairmanship of Abdul Kabir Farhan, president of Nobiprobi Journalists’ Association and moderated by Sakhawat Ahmed Fahim, general secretary, the Vice-Chancellor of the University and the main patron of Nstu Journalists’ Association Prof. Dr. Didar-ul-Alam were present as the chief guest, the advisor of the organization and the treasurer of the University, Professor Dr. .Nevaz Mohammad Bahadur.

In the workshop, the treasurer of the university and the adviser of the Nstu Journalists’ Association, Prof. Dr. Newaz Mohammad Bahadur said, since the establishment of Nobiprobi Journalists Association, all the work including monthly general meeting, training of apprentice journalists, elections.
It is being conducted regularly in a systematic way. They are fulfilling their professional duties properly. Journalists are presenting the campus in front of the whole country and they are also trying to solve the problems of the campus through constructive criticism.

He also said that many journalists unknowingly try to tarnish the image of the campus by misrepresenting the university. Due to our limitations, we are not able to do the cooperation required by the university administration in many cases.
We hope that through today’s workshop, many budding journalists will emerge who will lead the journalist association in the future.

Prof. Dr. Dididar-ul-Alam, Vice-Chancellor of Nstu and the main sponsor of Journalists Association, said,
Newspaper is a powerful media. While some journalists are honest, many believe in yellow.
Many recruits very finely. Straight to me, I don’t have them. No one can say that I have appointed anyone from Narayanganj in the last five years. I try to be honest. Because I have one weapon, that is faith. I believe everyone will do journalism keeping the principles intact. At least 50% of the news should be true. Anything less than that is not a good journalist to me. I have the courage to say this because I am confident that I am not involved in any irregularities.

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