• September 20, 2024 1:14 pm

final inter-hall debating competition in RU

Published February 24, 2024
final inter-hall debating competition in RU

RU Correspondent: Rajshahi University (RU) Inter-Hall Debate Competition- 2024, organized by student advisor office, Syed Amir Ali Hall defeated Habibur Rahman Hall in the final stage. The event started on Saturday at 6:30 pm at Shahid Minar Muktomonch.

Mamunuzzam Snigdh won the best speaker award in the final and also in the tournament.

It is known that the debaters of Shahid Habibur Rahman Hall and Syed Amir Ali Hall entered the final round after the knock-out, quarter-finals, and semi-finals in this competition in the parliamentary system.

The chief guest Vice-Chancellor Professor Golam Sabbir Sattar, under the chairmanship of Vice Chancellor (Administration) Professor Sultan-ul-Islam. Vice Chancellor (Education) Professor Humayun Kabir and Treasurer Professor Abaidur Rahman Pramanik were special guests.

After the debate, Vice-Chancellor Professor Golam Sabbir Sattar gave away the awards and said ‘We want our students to study not only physical science but also develop their world. And in that case, culture can be a great medium, and one of the mediums of that culture is our competitive rivalry.’

He also said ‘We know that knowledge is created from accurate ideas about information, and debaters do what they do by putting one piece of knowledge in the dialectical position of another knowledge to bring out the real truth.’

Student advisor Professor Dr. Jahangir Alam Saud said ‘the administration of the university is committed to making the overall environment of Rajshahi University student-friendly. Rajshahi University administration will and is doing regular cultural events for the proper mental development of the promising young students. Today’s event is the result of that’

In the concluding speech, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sultan Ul Islam said that the purpose we had brought together the students has been successful. This is an effort to bring them back to their glorious history out of the decadence that has created our society. We students will work to create humane and tolerant people. Through our democracy, tolerance, and knowledge we will show the world that we can do it all.

In Addition, earlier on February 5, this event started with debaters from 17 halls of the university. Where a total of 85 debaters participated with 5 debaters from each hall.

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