• September 20, 2024 12:31 pm

Prime Minister awards research grants to Dr. Jagodish Chandra Sarker

Published March 12, 2024
Prime Minister awards research grants to Dr. Jagodish Chandra Sarker

Jagannath University Correspondent:

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has awarded research grants to teachers and students for the 2023–2024 fiscal year through the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Among the recipients, Associate Professor Dr. Jagodish Chandra Sarker of the Chemistry Department of Jagannath University received a research grant from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina handed over checks for the Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship, the NST Fellowship, and special research grants for researchers at various universities and research institutions. On Monday at 10 a.m., the event started at the Prime Minister’s Office. After handing over the grants, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged giving importance to research in science and health sciences. According to media sources, Sheikh Hasina said, “Emphasis must be given to research programs. Because the people of the country need to be healthy, strong, and intelligent. Opportunities must be given to develop their intelligence. Research is essential for this.

The government will provide a special encouragement package to those involved in health-related research.

I will again request to reduce the private practice of government-employed doctors and allocate more time for research work.” Having received research grants from the Prime Minister, Dr. Jagodish Chandra Sarker said, “Patience and perseverance are very important in research. Receiving a research grant from the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, is a great achievement and a joy for me. Moreover, working on research directly under her will provide even more motivation and strength for patience.

It will inspire my research work several times more.” This shows the commitment of the government to promote and support research activities, especially in the fields of science and health sciences, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

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