• September 20, 2024 7:42 am

IU Prof Iqbal Passes away due to Cancer

Published May 4, 2024
IU Prof Iqbal Passes away due to Cancer

IU correspondent:

Islamic University’s Professor Dr. Iqbal Hossain, former Chairman of Al-Hadith and Islamic studies department, passed away due to cancer at a hospital.

Iqbal Hossain, who had been suffering from cancer, breathed his last in the early hours of Saturday While undergoing treatment at Dhaka Ahsania Mission Cancer Hospital.

As the news of the death of the Professor reached, a pall of gloom descended on the campus. Students, faculty members, Teacher and other staff are mourning the death of the Professor.
University’s Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Register conveyed heartfelt condolences and expressed sorrow on behalf of the university over the passing of Professor Iqbal Hossain.

He was born in Bhola district on March 1 of 1973. He was a first batch student of his department. Later, He was appointed as a Lecturer at Al-Hadith and Islamic studies department in 2002. He assumed as a Departmental Chairman on November 19 of 2023.

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